Rob has been a copywriter most of his adult life. He got his start in England writing copy for everything from dog food and The Cambridge Diet to Vauxhall cars andCadbury’s chocolate. For the last 20+ years, Rob’s been based in Kansas City, including five years working for senior living clients. Rob enjoys hearing residents’ stories and learning how they continue to embrace life with all its challenges and rewards. Originally from upstate New York, Rob has a Bachelor’s in English from The University of Kansas.
Good writing comes from understanding your subject and having something to say that would interest your audience. That isn’t all of it but it’s a place to start.
I’m fortunate to work with talented people and appreciative clients. The last thing I want is to let them down. My goal is to give them my best and keep finding ways to push the work forward.
- Flare gun
- Hand-cranked radio
- All the books I meant to read gathering dust on my bedside table